Nepali Kalasahitya Dot Com Pratishthan


Gopal Parajuli

Famous Poet Bhanubhakta Pokharel

Famous Poet Bhanubhakta Pokharel
Epoch-consciousness suddenly illuminated
New entrance of new life opened
Epiphanic was the day I woke up
Contribution of the day is immense.

Bhanubhakta Pokharel is a famous poet to write such poems. He is not only a poet but a critic as well. He was born on 8 Asoj 1993 BS in Oyam village of Panchthar district. His parents were Prem Narayan Pokharel and Laxmi Devi Pokharel. Immediately after his birth, astrologists had said his father shouldn’t look at him because his unlucky stars would cause his father’s death but the father did the opposite despite the villagers’ objection. However, nothing wrong happened to his father. In his childhood his father would lovingly call him ‘Lipu’.
Bhanubhakta was taught alphabets by his father. He could read books at the age of six. He was a diligent guy in studies. From the very age of eight, for his grandfather, he could read the books Krishna Charitra, Ramayana, Buddhichanaka and Mahabharata. He fully enjoyed family love. In pooja and bratabandha (holy thread ceremony) he would recite shlokas (poems in verse) throughout the night in the village. As a result, at the very young age of 12 years he was popularly known as a reciter of shlokas.
Bhanubhakta, in 2008 B.S., got admitted at a language school in Taplejung district. He studied grammar, kosha (dictionary), poetry, Nepali and geography. Moreover, he studied chandi, rudri, and veda as well. Being influenced from Krishnacharitra, around 2011 B.S. he wrote a poem entitled Panchakanyastotra which was the first poem penned by him. The same year, he performed his responsibility in the capacity of general secretary in Sanskrit Students’ Organization. Being elected from the same organization he came to Kathmandu to participate in the Nepal Sanskrit nationwide students’ conference. In 2012 B.S. he got admitted in Ranipokhari Sanskrit Hostel from where he passed purbamadhyama (equivalent to SLC level) in literature appearing exam in Benaras. Then after, he got admitted in Pindeshwor Campus in Dharan. Next year, he appeared exam in Benaras and passed uttarmadhyama (equivalent to Plus Two level). In 2014 B.S. in Chhatrabani (Students’ Voice) journal from Benaras his poem entitled Matridukhodgar (Expression of Motherly Pain) was published and he became extremely glad that for the first time his poem was published.
He was wedded with Dhana Kumari Timsina from Panchthar in 2016 B.S. In the meantime, he wrote a poem about his wedding as follows:
Damaha was played to avoid your timidity
Temko was played in order to please my heart
People roamed around courtyard saying,
“Carry the bride out of home”
The world was pleasant the day our nuptial bond was tied

In 2016 B.S. Bhanubhakta got admitted in General Sanskrit Campus in Haridwar for studying shastri level. He again moved to Benaras from there. During his stay in Benaras, in 2017, he took the responsibility of literature department in Nepali Students’ Council. After the completion of shastri level he returned to Nepal.
Bhanubhakta began to teach in Muktura Primary School located in Subhang village of Panchthar district in 2018 B.S. with the help of his relative father-in-law Dilli Ram Timsina, a famous critic. Approximately, for seven months he performed the headmaster’s responsibility. Later on, he became Nepali teacher in Kanya High School, Ilam where he wrote a poem entitled 'Manju, People Say you are a damini.' Exaggerating the issue of the same poem the members of the School Management Committee terminated him from the job. The poem reads as follows:
Apparently your delicate fingers are banned to touch
Apparently you ever-blooming cheeks are not to kiss
Apparently highland-like your uncontaminated smile not to enjoy
So is social command apparently you are a damini
In 2019B.S. Bhanubhakta taught in Karphok Vidhya Mandir, Ilam. He edited the journal called Juneli over yonder. Then after, he moved towards Benaras in order to appear acharya (equivalent to Masters Level) exam. Consequently, his job discontinued in Ilam. After he passed acharya level from Benaras in 2028 B.S., He passed I.A. level in English subject from Elahabad Board, India. He was appointed a part-time lecturer in Birendra Inter College Athrai, Terhathum in 2022 B.S. Similarly, in 2023 B.S. he opened an organization Sahitya Sangam and carried out the responsibility of the Vice-president. In 2030 B.S. he reached Biratnagar and began teaching in Mahendra Morang Adarsha Campus. He passed Masters Level in Nepali in 2031. For his PHD Doctorate in 2034B.S. he got his name registered in Tribhuvan University. The moment he was diligently working for his PHD dissertation, he suddenly suffered from diabetes and couldn’t complete his thesis. In the same context he has written a poem. A small section of the poem is as follows:
There was a famous talkative dwarf poet called Bhanubhakta
Very clever to slam others and was quarter to PHD
Bhanubhakta constructed a house in Biratnagar in 2036 B.S. By the same token, in 2038 he opened an organization named Shanibar Sahityik Samuha (Saturday Literary Group). He became the President of Yuga Nirmana Abhiyan in 2049 B.S., an assembly member of Nepal Royal Academy in 2051 B.S. and the President of Nepali Language and Culture Council in 2054 B.S. He retired as per rule from Biratnagar Degree Campus in 2060 B.S.
The published books of Bhanubhakta are as follows:
Poem Anthologies:

  1. Unyauko Phul (Forn Flower)
  2. Fulbari (Flower Garden)
  3. Dhungako Tuso (A Stone Shoot)
  4. Musako Sing (The Horn of Rat)

Khanda Kavya (Long Poem):

  1. Rastra Mata (Mother Nation)
  2. Manchheko Ma (Me of Men)
  3. My Devayani
  4. Parasar’s Shristi Yoga
  5. Kavya Chaugedi


  1. Mrityunjaya (Victory to Death)
  2. Jagriti Rag (Consciousness Melody)
  3. Himawat Khanda (The Mountainous Region)


  1. Sahityik Anushilan
  2. Kavi Madhav Prasad Ghimireka Bishista Khanda Kavya
  3. Kavi Ghimire Ra Unko Kavya Chintan
  4. Siddhanta Ra Sahitya
  5. Sahityik Samiksha Sangraha
  6. Kavi Ghimireko Rachana Yog

Bodh, Shaili Ra Abhibyakti (Comprehension, Style and Expression)

Apart from these books, many others of Bhanubhakta Pokharel are yet to be published.
Bhanubhakta amassed many awards and honours for his contribution in the field of literature: Gold Medal as the best speaker in the Terhathum district level speech contest, Bronze Medal standing third in the nationwide poetry competition organized by Nepal Academy, again Silver Medal standing second position, Dirgha Sewa Padak (Medal for long term service), Birendra-Aishworya Sewa Padak and so on. Similarly, he was awarded with Shadananda Pratibha Puraskar, Geru-Ambika Koirala Smriti Puraskar, Madam Prize for Mritunjaya epic, Pratibha for Tuso poem anthology, Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Puraskar and Padhmashree Puraskar as well. He was felicitated by Achchha Rai ‘Rasik’ Sahityik Pratisthan, too. A big body of critical discourse is written about him. Masters level students of Tribhuvan University also have written dissertation on his writing.

Bhanubhakta Pokharel passed away on 19 Kartik 2070 B.S. at Om Hospital Kathmandu on the day of bhai tika. His position as a genius poet will remain secure forever in Nepali literature.

Translation: Suresh Hachekali

Publisher :
Nepali KalaSahitya Dot Com Pratisthan

Distinct Advisor :
SP Koirala

Advisors :
Umesh Shrestha
Mohan Bdr. Kayastha
Radheshyam Lekali
Yograj Gautam
Dr. Hari Prasad (Manasagni)
Dr. Badri Pokhrel
Yogendra Kumar Karki
Rajendra Shalabh
Kapil Dev Thapa
Samir Jung Shah
Advisor Editor :
Rajeshwor Karki

Chief Editor :
Momila Joshi

Transcreator :
Mahesh Paudyal 'Prarambha'
Kumar Nagarkoti
Suresh Hachekali
Keshab Sigdel

Website Developer:
Shailendra Adhikari

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